bincscut@gmail.com曹彬,暨南大学管理学院副教授(绿色通道)、硕士生导师,企业管理系副系主任、管理学院数智供应链创新研究中心副主任。华南理工大学工商管理学院博士,伊利诺伊大学香槟分校ISE系联合培养博士。主要的研究方向包括:供应链金融、平台经济/运营管理、社会责任运营、鲁棒优化/合作博弈等。在管理学国际顶级期刊(UTD-24)Production and Operations Management,管理工程领域国际顶级期刊IISE Transactions,以及European Journal of Operational Research、Omega、International Journal of Production Economics、International Journal of Production Research、Transportation Research Part E、OR Spectrum、Computers & Industrial Engineering、Journal of the Operational Research Society、《系统工程理论与实践》等国内外高水平期刊发表论文20余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者身份(在线)发表UTD-24 1篇,ABS 4星2篇,ABS 3星12篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、教育部人文社科项目1项及校级教学改革研究项目多项,曾参与国自科重点项目、重点国际(地区)合作项目及面上项目多项。
担任中国运筹学会行为运筹学会理事及随机服务与运作管理分会青年理事、第二届智能制造系统工程专业委员会委员,以及多个国内外知名期刊的匿名审稿人。曾获2019年华人学者管理科学与工程协会(CSAMSE)国际会议最佳论文奖、2019年POMS International Conference in China会议最佳论文奖、2021/2023年管理学院科研工作先进个人。指导本科生获得暨南大学优秀本科毕业论文、优异本科毕业生,以及指导多名本科生获得国家级大创竞赛项目。
Consignment contract in a supply chain with price, demand and yield randomness: A distributionally robust approach. (with Zhong YG, Liu J, Zhou YW, Zhou WH.) IISE Transactions, forthcoming. 2024.
The role of surcharge policy on a ride-hailing service platform with long-distance drivers. (with Zhong YG, Yang JZ, Zhou YW.) International Journal of Production Research, 62 (20), 7559-7580. 2024.
The role of completely joint liability in financing multiple capital-constrained firms: Risk sharing, inventory and financial strategies. (with Zhong YG, Zhou YW.) European Journal of Operational Research, 313: 1072-1087. 2024.
Inventory and financial strategies of capital-constrained firms under limited joint liability financing. (with Chen X, Cheng ECT, Zhong YG, Zhou YW.) Production and Operations Management, 32: 3413-3432. 2023.
Pricing, coalition stability and profit allocation in the pull assembly supply chains under competition. (with Li CW, Zhou YW, Cheng T.C.E.) OR Spectrum, 45:977-1011. 2023.
Impact of endogenous online price discount on cooperative advertising of online-to-offline supply chains. (with Li JC, Ou JW.) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 176: 108980. 2023.
The role of ambiguity aversion in contract-farming supply chains: A distributionally robust approach. (with Zhong YG, Liu J, Zhou YW, Zheng XL.) Omega, 117, 02827. 2023.
Equilibrium analysis and coalition stability in R&D cooperation with spillovers. (with Li CW, Zhou YW, Zhong YG.) IISE Transactions, 54(4), 348-362. 2022.
On-demand ride-hailing platforms in competition with the taxi industry: Pricing strategies and government supervision. (with Zhong YG, Yang T, Cheng T.C.E.) International Journal of Production Economics, 243, 108301. 2022.
Pricing, financing and channel structure for dual-channel supply chains with capital constraint and product heterogeneity. (with Sun CY, Zhang X, Zhou YW.) International Journal of Production Economics, 253, 08591. 2022.
Robust contract design and coordination under consignment contract with revenue sharing. (with Zhong YG, Liu J, Zhou YW, Cheng T.C.E.) International Journal of Production Economics, 253, 108543. 2022.
The role of government regulatory policy in financing capital-constrained retailers under competition. (with Zhong YG, Yang T, Zillmann S.) Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 157, 102572. 2022.
Should ride-sharing platform cooperate with car-rental company? Implications for consumer surplus and driver surplus. (with Lin XG, Sun CY, Zhou YW, Chen CY.) Omega, 102, 102309. 2021.
Dynamic pricing and cross-channel fulfillment for omnichannel retailing industry: An approximation policy and implications. (Zhou YW, Zhang X, Zhong YG.) Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 156, 102524. 2021.
Pricing and product-bundling strategies for e-commerce platforms with competition. (with Lin XG, Xie W, Zhou YW, Zhong YG.) European Journal of Operational Research, 283(3), 1026-1039. 2020.
Pricing and rebate strategies for an e-shop with a cashback website. (with Zhou YW, Tang QS, Zhou WH.) European Journal of Operational Research, 262(1): 108-122. 2017.
Optimal pricing/ordering and advertising investment strategies for a capital-constrained retailer. (Zhou YW, Xie W, Zhong YG) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 114: 274-287. 2017.
考虑农产品掺假行为的农业供应链生产决策与可追溯性技术采用影响研究. (with, 周永务, 陈雨欣, 蔡子功.) 系统工程理论与实践, 录用. 2024.
公司参与扶贫下的订单农业供应链:生产决策, 社会福利与政府补贴. (with 周永务, 黄香宁, 蔡子功.) 系统工程理论与实践, 42(8), 2174-2195. 2022.
基于前景理论的损失规避零售商的订货与融资策略研究. (with周永务, 刘敏, 於慧琳,王雅婷.) 系统工程理论与实践, 42(11), 2957-2975. 2022.
竞争型零售商的公平关切行为对供应链绩效的影响研究. (with 钟远光, 邢国敏, 张玲.) 南开管理评论, 24(2), 24-33. 2022.
国家自然科学基金面上项目(72371117), 金融科技驱动的供应链库存与融资策略和技术采用合作机制研究, 主持, 在研
国家自然科学基金青年项目(71901096), 考虑融资合作的供应链库存决策与风险分担机制研究, 主持, 已结题
教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(19YJC630003), 返利模式和竞争情形下网上商店的定价策略及协调机制研究, 主持, 已结题
国家自然科学基金面上项目(72071082),新零售模式下零售商的选品及其定价与库存配置优化研究, 参与
国家自然科学基金面上项目(71871097),考虑服务水平的即时需求服务平台定价和匹配策略研究, 参与
Omega 2023年度期刊最佳论文奖(2023)
管理学院科研工作先进个人(2021, 2023)
POMS International Conference in China国际会议最佳论文奖(2019)